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Play Roulette without zero

Amongst the games of chance, no zero roulette is a highlight. Unlike most versions of the game, it does not have the traditional "zero" sector. This increases the player’s chances of winning and strips the casino of its advantage. You can play roulette without zero on Betvoyager website, either free or for real money after completing registration.

The first versions of roulette were invented without the “zero” sector. It appeared only later, as a way to increase profits of gambling establishments’ owners.

Nowadays no zero roulette online is popular game variation among players. It was developed and designed exclusively for BetVoyager casino. This type of roulette cannot be found in land-based establishments, so it is only available on the internet.

Features of No Zero roulette

Gamblers find the “No zero” roulette attractive because they do not need to calculate the probability of winning – the chances of both parties are always equal. In the classic version, the roulette wheel has 36 sectors. A person making a bet on one of numbers has a probability of winning of 36 to 1. If there is no "zero" sector, the chances of winning increase to 35 to 1, or by 2.67%.

Novices are increasingly choosing this game, as they find it to be more profitable. But it is necessary to take into account the counterweight - roulette without zero has a binding commission.

No Zero roulette game description

Game rules are not different to the usual roulette. The player must determine the bet size to place a corresponding chip on the virtual game table and spin the wheel.

The following bets are available in no zero roulette:

  • red and black areas / large and small - numbers from 1-18 and 19-36;
  • bets one to six positions – fixing the bet on certain number of cells (horizontal, corner and straight);
  • bets on dozens - select a number in the range of 13-24 or 24-36. The value of each chip is the same since Betvoyager no zero roulette does not determine value on the "seniority".

Bets available roulette no zero do not differ from those present in other varieties of the game. Having made a selection for a round, the ball starts and lands randomly in a certain cell. When you win, the money go straight into your account for further use in the game or for withdrawal. In case of loss, they are deducted from the account.

Today, Betvoyager is a no zero roulette casino where this game can be played for free or for money.