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Roulette Dozens strategy review

Roulette dozens strategy is very popular in casinos, but many experienced players question its effectiveness. This is due to the fact that the attempt to cover almost the entire field with chips brings significant financial consequences in case of loss. This amount is not covered by a 6 to 1 win, and therefore is rarely used by professionals earning a living at casinos. Nevertheless, the tactics of Dozens strategy is very attractive to gamblers - the probability of loss is very small here - only in case of zero or the 6 numbers not covered by chips.

How to play roulette by dozens roulette system

Initially, the player must decide on the size of the bet. This is done only once and is not changed throughout the game. This is a positive thing about the roulette dozens betting system in comparison to other advanced tactics. Further bets are placed as follows:

  • Choose the amount which must be a multiple of three. This may be 30 or 900 chips, depending on the player's financial capabilities
  • Place 10 chips on the 1 column and 10 chips on the second dozen. Thus columns 1 and 2 will only have two uncovered number fields.
  • In the third column place 10 chips in any order, but so that the amount of bet size is the same on each number.
  • If the ball hits the zero, the sum of all the bets placed is lost, this happens with a probability of 2.7 percent.
  • If either dozen wins, the player regains the whole amount, and with another win – doubles it.
  • A win of a number from the 3rf dozen refunds the amount that that was placed on 6 numbers, and therefore reduces the amount of the loss.

Effectiveness of the Dozens system

Experienced players rarely use this strategy. The dozens roulette system is a good choice for very venturesome people for whom winning itself is important, not the amount of money received. It is not advisable to play using this system with high bets, so as not to go into a significant disadvantage very quickly. It is better to choose the lowest allowed bet size and not to increase it throughout the game. The system can be recommended to play European roulette with one green field or French, where if zero comes up, half the bets placed are returned to the player.